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Create Transaction

For api endpoints refer here


To initiate a transaction, generate a POST request to the given URL with the request body in the format below:

"amount": "220.0",
"key": "dummy-key-1234-5678-91011",
"paymentCurrencyAlpha3Code": "GBP",
"redirectionUrl": "https://client-frontend-transaction-completion-handler",
"paymentInstrumentType": "CARD",
"paymentInstrumentSubType": "DEBIT_CARD",
"billingCountryAlpha2Code": "GB",
"extraInfo": {
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"emailId": "",
"customerUniqueId": 1234567890,
"phoneNumber": 1234567890,
"city": "cty value",
"zip": "123123",
"country": "US",
"state": "NY",
"address1": "please provide address line no 1",
"address2": "please provide address line no 2",
"billingAddress": {
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"email": "",
"phone": "1234567890",
"city": "New York",
"address": "123 Main St",
"zip": "10001",
"state": "NY",
"country": "US"
"shippingAddress": {
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"email": "",
"phone": "1234567890",
"city": "New York",
"address": "123 Main St",
"zip": "10001",
"state": "NY",
"country": "US"

Request Description

  • amount: The transaction amount. (required)

  • Create key: The webhook key. Generate this through the keys section by clicking "new key".


    click_on_new_keyOn successful submission copy the value under Api Key Column.

  • paymentCurrencyAlpha3Code: Currency code (ISO 4217) for the transaction. Currency Codes. (required)

  • redirectionUrl: URL to redirect after payment submission. (required)

  • paymentInstrumentType: Preferred instrument for the transaction. (required)

  • paymentInstrumentSubType: Preferred sub-instrument for the transaction.

  • extraInfo:

    • firstName: Customer's first name. (required)
    • lastName: Customer's last name. (required)
    • emailId: Customer's email address. (required)
    • customerUniqueId: Customer's unique Id. (required)
    • phoneNumber: Customer's Phone Number. (required)
    • city: Customer's address city. (required)
    • zip: Customer's address zip code. (required)
    • country: Customer's country alpha2. (required)
    • state: Customer's state iso2. (required)
    • address1: Customer's address line no 1. (required)
    • address2: Customer's address line no 2. (required)
    • billingAddress
      • firstName: Customer's firstName. (required)
      • lastName: Customer's lastName. (required)
      • email: Customer's email. (required)
      • phone: Customer's phoneNumber. (required)
      • city: Customer's address city. (required)
      • address: Customer's address. (required)
      • zip: Customer's address zip. (required)
      • state: Customer's address state. (required)
      • country: Customer's address country. (required)
    • shippingAddress
      • firstName: Customer's firstName. (required)
      • lastName: Customer's lastName. (required)
      • email: Customer's email. (required)
      • phone: Customer's phoneNumber. (required)
      • city: Customer's address city. (required)
      • address: Customer's address. (required)
      • zip: Customer's address zip. (required)
      • state: Customer's address state. (required)
      • country: Customer's address country. (required)

billingCountryAlpha2Code: Alpha-2 code of the country from where the transaction has been initiated.


On successful submission of the request, it should return a response in the format below with status code 200:

"transactionCode": "T01012024001",
"amount": 220.0,
"state": "INITIATED",
"currency": "GBP",
"instrument": "CARD",
"subInstrument": "DEBIT_CARD",
"redirectionUrl": "https://payment-page.html?data=eyJleHRyYUluZm8iOnsiZmlyc3RO"

Response Description

  • transactionCode: The code of the newly created transaction.
  • amount: The transaction amount.
  • state: The state of the transaction.
  • currency: Currency code of the transaction.
  • instrument: Instrument selected for the transaction. For possible values, please refer to the Payment Instrument and Payment Sub Instrument compatibility table below.
  • subInstrument: Sub-instrument selected for the transaction. For possible values, please refer to the Payment Instrument and Payment Sub Instrument compatibility table below.
  • redirectionUrl: The URL to redirect to for receiving details of the payment device on receiving a response from the transaction API.

Video Demo

This video demonstrates how to create a payment transaction using the API. It shows the process of making a POST request, including the required request body and parameters. You’ll see the steps to generate the request, handle the response, and handle the redirection URL after payment submission.